INDIA, Real problem named: The Republic Of Hunger
All stories has two parts, in one is the "success" on the way which is promote all over the world and by all media, but the second part of the story is what is behind the wall. I remember when I was first time arrived in New Delhi, it was in October 2011, in that day was promote new SKODA Rapid for India market, anyway when I travel by TAXI to center, I was shocked, nice, clean streets, really nice look, I said myself, yeah GOOD JOB guys, the journey to center is surrounded by some walls higher lower, but walls was there ... Yes, and behind this walls I saw another face of "growing India", like in Mumbai slams,hunger like in other bigger cities in India, which I visited... So, even government is support almost 63% by subsidized rice, and other stuff, for APL and BPL - you can see my article Socialist OR Social India X Exercise OR Steroids, it is not enough because usually all this shops are corrupted and cheat and resale this subsidized food in normal markets, so these who need it real not all of them are satisfied. So, I want to just have a look also on this other side of the coin of India economy ... Yes it is development of the social part and economy part, BUT . . .
About 320 million Indians go to bed without food every night, and recent data suggests this already alarming situation is getting worse. Despite the magnitude and intensity of this problem, it remains on the margins of policy planning, public action, intellectual discourse, and media coverage, writes Ammu Joseph.
"When India achieved independence, more than 50 years ago, the people of the country were much afflicted by endemic hunger. They still are. Since India is often considered to be one of the great success stories in tackling the food problem, the belief in success has to be scrutinised in the light of the grim reality that we can observe."
Amartya Sen, speaking on Hunger in India at a public hearing on the Right to Food
New Delhi, 10 January 2003
The recent reported increase in the number of Indians suffering from hunger and undernourishment is alarming, especially since the first National Family Health Survey (1992-93) had revealed that India was already one of the most undernourished countries in the world.
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