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Visa to Shcengen, to Europe, to UK ! IMMIGRATION NOW

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Socialist OR Social India X Exercise OR Steroids

Here in India it is pump a lot of money to every where, the India is like taking steroids to it body, but not making proper and hard exercise, the steroids needs body more and more ... But muscles, strong body and healthy good feeling, this is the main point, why going to Gym and sweat there everyday 2 hours ... Because we want to be healthy and Feel Good, on other sides is good looking, but if you feel good inside, which is more important, the looking on you from outside will be also very good, how you feel, this is also connect how people will perceive you as your body ... So India is starting to taking so much steroids and NOT doing the proper exercise ... It will be dangerous to be overdose ... Going together with this banking loans, mortgages, real estate booming, unemployment, agriculture, environment, infrastructure and power energy and also the good manners . . . 
One example connecting with Food security legislation. I was surprised when I saw some shops, with lot of people, long line of people, I was asking driver, here is so many people, looks like they are giving something for free, YES I was almost correct ... All India is covered government-owned FAIR PRICE SHOPS. Government is taking care for people, that´s great and correct ! In this shops Government sale highly subsidized rice, coarse grain, wheat, sugar, kerasin to 63,5 % of India´s population ! So everybody has the legal right to food ! Government gives it to both priority and general categories of the population under the proposed National Food Security Act (NFSA).
Here in India is two general categories of population BPL (Below Poverty Line) and APL (Above Poverty Line) 
(Note: About the types of Ratio Card and this system will be talking later).
So continue in Social and Socialist thinking and different ;-) Government purchasing the wheat from local farmers for Rs 12 per kg but selling it through the net of the Fair Price Shops for Rs 2 per kg... It looks like European union and Greece, Italy and others but here it is totally different, here people need food, it is the question of survival. In Europe it is the special European philosophy : "SOMETHING FOR NOTHING", the results we see and opinion everybody can make by himself...
So I am waiting when it will come somebody and stopping to give them "fish", but starting to learn them how to catch the fishes ... It is very difficult, but one my remark, here is almost 1,2 billions population, but for example here in South India, especially in Kerala, here is nobody who will be working, really NOBODY ... Here is BIG problem to find labels, who will be working on the tea plantation, and in other sectors, they prefer more meetings, walking with flags, singing, make a lot of unions, and another meetings, so people DON´T have a time for WORK and ... 

Back to my idea and parable with fitness, gym, muscles, exercise, It is hard making proper exercise, going everyday, it is easier to taking the anabolic, steroids ... but the time will come, the results will be only for short time ...

I hope that in India will be growing more and more proper exerciser, than users of steroids. 
All the best to India !

Sometimes people loosing the human dignity . . . 
When it is missing dialogues, see what can happend

This Video is from Kottayam, Kerala, South India
28.10. 2011

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