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Visa to Shcengen, to Europe, to UK ! IMMIGRATION NOW

Saturday 3 March 2012

Biggest strike in INDIA over 100 millions

28th February 2012 was presented as a one of the world´s largest biggest strike which began on Monday 27th Feb and ended on 28th Feb. They were talking about 100.000.000 Indian workers will be strike ! As usually the strike was taken mainly as a holiday and people were happy that they don´t have to go to WORK and work. And of course another main point was that it was use as a political meetings and trade unions meetings and in fact only ONE RESULT it brings, big damage and losses of India in a croes of rupees, because as everybody KNOW, with strikes you will never WIN. This is the worst way how to say and explain opinion and another ideas...The dialogue and results is hard work... But who is in India he can see what kind of people going with flags and prefer strikes and meetings instead of building strong economy, better future for their children, or use their work as an instrument of showing some results. Yeah, WORK is hard and AGAIN I am saying that EURO model of ideology "SOMETHING FOR NOTHING" is not working NEVER . . . Why ? Because something for nothing is not the right way and as you know " NO HONEY, NO MONEY", so workers have to work, businessmen have to do business and give the work and politics . . . I think they have to go to ... Some of them to jail directly and some of them have to start work with some results . . . GLOBALLY ... ALL this what I am talking is globally point of view not only on India, I am just showing some European mistakes, and sometimes is very good to have a look in the mirror . . . So what you see there ? That´s true. So, many words, but even one result. Instead of words show exact results ! Because ONLY RESULTS SHOW what´s real and what is fake ... As in Latin language says "Dum spiero spero".

Here are some videos:

SEO Seznam

Currency USD - INR 2011 - 2012 history progress

Currency USD INR 2011 history
We have a short look for history of USD and INR currency exchange from March 2011 until March 2012.
LOW 1 USD = 44,040 INR
HIGH 1 USD = 53,71484 INR
close today 3rd March 2012 1 USD = 49,515 INR

here is nice graphic show of history progress 


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